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Hip and Leg

We use our hips and legs every day.  After the shoulder the hip is the most mobile joint in the body.  With increased use and mobility comes increased risk for dysfunction whether it be from overuse, injury, or a spinal related issue that refers pain into the hip and or leg.  Many times we can relate our hip or leg pain to a specific incident, but when we don’t know why it’s there it can become a tricky thing to figure out.  That’s why it’s a good idea to get it checked out by a professional who can correctly diagnose such conditions and get you on the road to recovery.  If your hip or leg pain is a result of nerve irritation from your spine and it goes uncorrected it may continue to get worse and worse as time goes by to the point where surgery or more complicated treatments end up being necessary.


Sciatica relates to the SCIATIC nerve, which is the main nerve that travels down your legs.  It originates from the lower back and then travels all the way to your toes.  Many patients wonder what sciatica feels like .  Those who have experienced it often describe it as being from a slight discomfort in some cases to the most unbearable pain they have ever experienced in other cases.  It is often not just pain, but accompanied with numbness, tingling, and or weakness in the leg or foot.  It is also normal for the pain to come and go.  If left untreated the problem usually worsens over time.  Our Doctors have years of experience treating this condition and will work hand in hand with Orthopedic Doctors to manage your case if needed. 


Arthritis is a form of joint disorder that involves inflammation to the joint.  There are many different types of arthritis, but the most common type is osteoarthritis also known as degenerative joint disease.  Osteoarthritis can affect any joint in the body, but is very common in the hips, knees, and spine.  It is often a result of trauma to the joint, past infection of the joint, or most commonly wear and tear or “age related” arthritis.  Arthritis of the hips and knees results in billions of dollars spent annually on surgeries to replace or clean up the affected joints.   Many arthritis sufferers benefit from conservative treatment through joint manipulation, soft tissue work, and range of motion based exercises.  There is an old saying that goes “If you don’t use it, you lose it” and that pretty much sums up what happens to many arthritis sufferers.  As the arthritis progresses it becomes more difficult to use the joint, so they use it less and less which allows the arthritis to progress more and more to the point where they lose the use of the affected joint.  If this sounds like you it is best to take action and not let it get to that point.  Our Doctors use physical examinations as well as Xrays and MRI’s to evaluate your condition and take appropriate treatment actions. 

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